What’s the Best Way to Keep my Teeth White?

our patient brushing her teeth with electrical toothbrush

What’s the best way to keep my teeth white?

Whether you’ve recently purchased teeth whitening products and services, or you are generally looking to whiten your teeth – you may be interested in the best (and safer) way to keep your teeth looking their brightest. Regularly visiting your Winter Park dentist will give you the best answer that is personalized to you. However, there are three critical elements to a bright smile: good brushing habits with an electric toothbrush and whitening toothpaste, regular (twice a year) dental cleanings, and periodic (not too much!) application of teeth whitening products.

Why is good brushing such a key factor for whiter teeth?

While many patients automatically think that teeth whitening products are the solution to whiter-looking teeth – it’s important to note that regular, everyday brushing habits are the most effective. This is because the appearance of whiter teeth is due to the actual color (shade of white) of your teeth and, more crucially, any stains on the surface of the teeth. Because stains can accumulate through everyday eating and drinking habits, daily brushing habits are the “first line of defense” against teeth appearing darker or more yellow over time.

When it comes to daily brushing, in addition to removing any debris and food particles that could harm your teeth and gums from accumulated bacteria – for a brighter smile, we are also looking for daily brushing routines to remove stains by polishing the teeth. We recommend an excellent electric toothbrush and good toothpaste for daily stain removal. Regarding toothbrushes, the major brands at the mid-tier price points will typically be most effective (usually around the $50 or higher price point). This is because sufficient vibration or rotation action is required to polish your teeth. Some higher-end models even have a whitening function specifically made for polishing.

The choice of toothpaste can also significantly affect the amount of stain removal. Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that most “whitening” toothpastes are marketed as whitening, which can be achieved through polishing and stain removal. This differs from toothpaste with “active whitening” ingredients like hydrogen peroxide. These “active whitening” ingredients would be the same or similar to those found in whitening products like gels or whitening strips – and generally, we don’t think this is the best approach for everyday use. However, choosing a good polishing toothpaste with your electric toothbrush can significantly help with daily stain removal.

What kind of whitening toothpaste do we recommend? Generally, any name-brand toothpaste with a whitening feature will be effective and safe. However, we particularly like the newer Colgate Optic White and Crest 3D White options available. We don’t generally recommend charcoal-based toothpaste, as the ingredients don’t necessarily provide additional whitening over regular whitening toothpaste and could instead be too abrasive for most patients' teeth.

How do regular dental visits help keep your teeth white?

A regular dental visit includes a periodic dental exam and a standard dental cleaning. The dental exam keeps you and the dentist informed of any potential issues, such as cavities, gum health, or even tooth wear, which might impact your ability to keep your smile bright. Dental restorations like fillings and crowns will not react to whitening services like your natural tooth, and your Winter Park dentist can help you identify any clinical or cosmetic issues. In some less common cases, patients may have prior conditions or trauma to a tooth causing discoloration apart from the rest of their teeth. In these situations, whitening toothpaste or other traditional whitening gels will not work on these teeth. Instead, an internal whitening (endodontic bleaching) will be required to whiten the tooth from the inside.

While the dentist will help identify any issues, the dental hygienist will be able to help you achieve the whitest and shiniest smile without the use of active whitening gels or strips. This is because a dental cleaning also includes polishing the teeth to remove any deep stains or superficial rough areas on a tooth. In addition, some patients may have leftover cement from braces or other dental work that must be removed entirely for their natural teeth to shine their best. The polishing tools used at our office are like “supercharged” versions of your home care routine. The hygienist uses prophylaxis paste and a prophylaxis rubber cup to effectively and precisely polish areas of your teeth. This is typically the last step in a thorough dental cleaning!

What whitening products should I use to make my teeth whiter?

dental products to use to keep the teeth white

The most common whitening treatments are over-the-counter products such as whitening strips, toothpaste, or gels. When used safely and correctly, these products work well for some patients. Regarding whitening products with active ingredients, these are limited in their strength for your safety. So, some patients may not see results as quickly or as white as they would like to achieve without multiple repeated sessions of this whitening. Our dental office in Winter Park offers teeth whitening products exclusive to dental professionals. It can utilize products typically 3 to 4 times stronger than standard "over-the-counter" whitening products to achieve the results and speed patients seek. Our In-Office whitening can be up to 8 times stronger and faster than over-the-counter products. 

For a typical patient with no outstanding dental work, our teeth whitening products and services are very safe for patient use. However, concerns typically arise for patients with gum disease, exposed roots, cavities, or broken teeth. Our whitening products are gluten-free, vegan, animal by-product-free, and kosher-certified.

If you are looking for ways to make your smile brighter or have tried home care and over-the-counter options but want more whitening results, please give us a call or make an appointment with our office!


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