What is the process for partial dentures in Winter Park?

What is the process for partial dentures in Winter Park?

patient after partial dentures procedure

Whether you have recently gotten an extraction or have had a missing tooth for a while, you may be looking for a partial denture to fill in the missing teeth. There are two basic types of partial dentures that can work for patients in various scenarios. In some cases, a partial denture is used as a long-term solution to restore both the appearance and functionality (for effectively chewing your food) of missing teeth.

If you have questions about partial dentures in Winter Park, continue reading to learn more!

Should I get a partial denture?

partial dentures options in winter park dental office

While a partial denture is typically a voluntary choice by the patient, there are also some common scenarios where your Winter Park dentist will recommend a partial denture. If you need a tooth extracted (that is not your wisdom teeth) and are looking for replacement options. Typically, you will be offered four options:

  1. Do nothing; leave the missing tooth space as-is

  2. Partial denture

  3. Dental bridge

  4. Implant placement

Compared to the other options, a partial denture is typically the cheapest option when compared to the dental bridge and implant placement.

Partial denture versus dental implants:

The process is significantly faster than a dental implant restoration, which can take 6-12 months from start to finish. A partial denture can typically be made in 2 appointments over two weeks, including fitting and adjustment. A partial denture does not require additional “invasive” procedures (no drilling). However, because a partial denture is removable, it is more noticeable than a dental implant, and some of the denture’s material may be visible when you smile. Understand the difference between dentures and dental implants.

Partial denture versus dental bridge:

While a bridge and a partial denture take similar times (2-3 appointments, including fitting and adjustments), a partial denture is typically much cheaper. Additionally, a dental bridge can have a significant disadvantage for some patients. Because a bridge requires two adjacent teeth to provide support, those teeth must be prepared to accept the bridge and, therefore, must be drilled and “shaved” to make a strong bond. For some patients with no prior cavities or other dental work on these teeth, placing a dental bridge means drilling into otherwise healthy teeth. Because we always like to recommend minimally invasive dental procedures, this may introduce additional risk to a patient. However, if a patient already has fillings or a crown on the adjacent teeth, there may not be additional risk or trauma to the teeth. For this reason, in some cases, a partial denture is a much less invasive option that preserves the untouched state of adjacent teeth.

If I am getting an implant, how long will I have to go with a missing tooth?

Another common use case is for a partial denture to be a temporary replacement only. As mentioned, an implant restoration process can take 6-12 months from end-to-end; therefore, the patient would be missing the tooth for that time. If the missing tooth is visible when smiling, or perhaps a vital tooth to chew on, a partial denture can be used as a temporary solution to wear during the implant process. If this is the case, we typically will make a specific partial denture with this in mind, as this denture will be adjusted for you as you continue your implant process. Specifically, some space will need to be made after implant placement to allow for adequate healing and not to touch the implant. Additionally, after any bone grafts or other augmentation, the shape of the partial denture may need to be adjusted for a comfortable fit. If you are considering an implant but want a partial denture to help cover the missing tooth space during your process, please call us to help with a 3D scan and impressions and have it ready before your extractions. This way, there is minimal to no time with a visible “missing tooth.”

Is a partial denture my only option?

Sometimes, a partial denture may be the only reasonable option for a patient to restore a missing tooth. In the case that a dental bridge may not be placed because there is insufficient or no support from adjacent teeth (such as your last molar with no other tooth behind it), then a bridge can not be placed as it would be “floating” and not strong for long term use. Additionally, suppose an implant can also not be placed due to a specific angle, geometry, or insufficient bone structure for the patient. In that case, the only remaining option may be a partial denture.

Can a partial denture cover multiple teeth?

Yes, a partial denture can cover anything from a single missing tooth to multiple teeth, even across different sides of your mouth. The specific design of your partial denture will depend on the location, number of teeth to be filled, and the type of material you and your Winter Park dentist recommend.

What are the different material types of partial dentures?

There are generally flexible “soft” partial dentures and cast metal framework partial dentures. The flexible partial dentures are made of a resin or acrylic material, which are colored to match both your gums and teeth shade for a more natural appearance. These are also flexible and can be more comfortable if appropriately shaped.

In contrast, a metal framework partial denture is not flexible, and does require more fitting up front, as it may not be easily adjusted after it has been made. It does also last longer. However, the most significant benefit is that the metal framework can be modified and added to. So, if additional teeth are missing in the future, the patient will be able to add teeth to the denture at the incremental cost of adding teeth.

If you need a partial denture and are not sure what is right for you, please give our office a call. We can help you schedule an appointment with Winter Park dentist - Dr. Yu to provide a consultation that fits your specific situation!

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