Should I Visit My Winter Park Dentist if I have Tooth Sensitivity?

When should I Visit my Winter Park Dentist with Tooth Sensitivity?

At The Ivory Dental, Winter Park Dental Office, we understand the agony and trouble that tooth sensitivity can cause in your daily life. We are committed to giving you the best solutions for sensitivity to cold or hot discomfort or tenderness and any unusual odors that may be harming your oral health. We will go over the origins and symptoms of tooth sensitivity and offer some guidance on how to manage and overcome these concerns.

3 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, develops when your teeth' protective enamel wears away, exposing the underlying dentin and nerve endings. This can cause a variety of symptoms, such as sensitivity to temperature fluctuations, soreness, and discomfort. The following are some of the most common reasons of dental sensitivity:

1. Erosion of the Enamel

Acidic foods and beverages, teeth grinding, and poor oral hygiene can all contribute to enamel degradation. The enamel becomes less effective at shielding the inner layers of your teeth from temperature changes as it thins.

2. Gum Recession

Receding gums might expose your teeth's sensitive root surfaces. This can be caused by gum disease, aggressive teeth brushing, or aging.

3. Cracked or damaged teeth

Cracks or chipping in your teeth might allow temperature sensitivity and pain to reach your nerve endings.

Recognizing the Symptoms

It is critical to recognize the symptoms of dental sensitivity in order to treat it successfully. Here are some common symptoms of dental sensitivity:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold: When sensitive to cold or hot meals and beverages, you may experience a sharp, shooting pain.

  • Tenderness or pain: Tooth sensitivity can be indicated by discomfort and pain while biting down or when exposed to air.

  • Abnormal Smell or Breath: Tooth sensitivity may be accompanied by an unusual odor or poor breath, which may indicate an underlying dental problem.

    How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity

Now that we've covered the causes and symptoms of tooth sensitivity let's look at some effective methods and tactics for dealing with it:

1. Apply a desensitizing toothpaste to your teeth

Desensitizing toothpaste contains ingredients that aid in the blocking of pain signals from the tooth's surface to the nerve. Including such toothpaste in your everyday oral hygiene practice can help.

2. Use a softer toothbrush and brush your teeth gently

To lessen the risk of enamel erosion and gum recession, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently.

3. Avoid acidic foods and beverages

Limit your intake of acidic meals and beverages, as they can contribute to enamel degradation.

4. Seek Professional Dental Care

If your pain persists, contact your dental professional. It is critical for accurate diagnosis and therapy before it develops into a major issue. Tenderness frequently accompanies pain, providing significant information to your Winter Park dentist. If you are feeling either of these two types of pain, you should consider professional dental evaluation.

Types of Pain

  • Acute Pain – typically a sharp sensation brought on by a specific action (such as biting down) and usually can be pinpointed to a specific area.

  • Chronic Pain – pain that is often felt throughout, regardless of time or any specific actions, which can be often feel as more of a dull ‘ache’

Common Sources of Tenderness

Tenderness can be caused by a number of circumstances, including:

  • Inflammation: Inflamed tissues are more sensitive and might elicit a tender response when touched.

  • Injury or Trauma:  Bruised or damaged areas are often delicate to the touch as the body's natural response to protect the affected area

  • Infections can induce localized pain when the body's immune system reacts to the presence of germs.

Treatment and Management

Pain and tenderness management is a complicated approach that is tailored to the patient's underlying causes and unique demands. It is critical to speak with a dental professional for a personalized strategy to pain and discomfort management.

Treatment Options:

  • Medication:  Depending on the severity and kind of pain, drugs such as analgesics, anti-inflammatories, or muscle relaxants may be administered.

  • Changes in Lifestyle:  Diet, exercise, and stress management are all examples of lifestyle modifications that can help with chronic pain and sensitivity.

  • Halitosis, or abnormal odor or breath, can be an unpleasant and worrisome worry for many people. It can have a big impact on one's self-esteem and social connections. In this post, we will look at the possible causes of odd odor or breath and how to manage and prevent it.

Bacteria are to blame

One of the most common causes of Abnormal smell or breath is poor dental hygiene. When we fail to effectively clean our teeth, gums, and tongue, hazardous bacteria proliferate in our mouths. These bacteria produce foul-smelling chemicals, resulting in unpleasant breath.

The Solution: Oral Hygiene

To counteract bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene, it is critical to build a strong dental care program. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, use dental floss to clean between teeth, and don't forget to clean your tongue. Regular dental exams can also detect and treat any underlying problems.

Consult a Healthcare Professional

Our clinicians are concerned about your dental health. We can swiftly assess your concerns and give appropriate preventative care using their experience and our suite of modern dental equipment. During your visit, you can expect open and honest dental advice - with no pressure to do anything you aren't comfortable with. 

Nobody enjoys going to the dentist; let's face it. But there's no reason why your visit shouldn't be as pleasant as possible. That is why we created every aspect of our practice to be comfortable and simple.


We prioritize your oral health and well-being at The Ivory Dental. We hope this article has given you useful information about the causes and symptoms of dental sensitivity, as well as practical ways to manage and overcome it. Remember that treating tooth sensitivity necessitates a combination of at-home and professional dental care. If you are suffering from persistent sensitivity, please contact us for expert assistance.

We are a locally-owned dental company in Winter Park! While we offer all of the dental amenities and digital technology of a larger practise, the fact that we are privately owned by the dentist allows us to devote the time and attention that each patient deserves. Any dental procedure that requires fabrication is completed in Winter Park thanks to our strong relationships with local dental labs and specialists.

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