Should I Brush my Teeth after Eating Candy?

Should I brush my teeth after eating candy?

Should I brush my teeth after eating candy?

It’s getting close to the holiday season. With Halloween right around the corner and more family holidays coming up, you may be wondering about all the candies and sweets. Should you brush after eating them? Parents are especially curious as to whether more frequent brushing is also needed with all the inevitable sugar consumption.

If you are worried about your or your children’s teeth after eating sweets, we recommend waiting 30 to 60 minutes after consuming to brush your teeth. If you want to take an extra step immediately after consuming, drink or rinse with water to help neutralize some of the acids.

Why is there acid on my teeth after eating candy?

The normally present bacteria in our mouths break down sugars and, in that process – produce acid as a result. The more sugar in your mouth for the bacteria, the more acid may be present. This acid can break down your enamel; thus, your Winter Park dentist recommends waiting for your saliva to do its natural job of diluting and cleaning your teeth. This will minimize the impact of the acid. If you were to brush immediately after consuming sweets, it could erode some of your enamel due to the acid being more concentrated. In this state, your toothbrush and toothpaste become too abrasive and could harm your enamel. It is important to know how to brush your teeth.

What can I do to minimize the effects of sugar on my teeth?

In addition to waiting 30 to 60 minutes for your saliva’s natural cleaning process, you can drink water immediately to help dilute some of the acid and wash away excess sugar from your tooth surfaces. It can be tempting to think that brushing immediately will “erase” the effects of candy consumption. However, it can lead to more harm. Not to mention, it is often impractical to be brushing your teeth so frequently. While rinsing and then brushing is helpful as an immediate response. Daily habits are more important for your long-term dental health. This means flossing properly (between all your teeth) and brushing with fluoride toothpaste to maintain healthy tooth enamel and promote repair. Fluoride can re-mineralize your enamel to protect your teeth!

Will chewing gum help?

Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol can help neutralize the acids after eating sugary foods! Chewing gums can loosen any “stuck” food or candy particles and stimulate saliva production. They can also help remove concentrated areas of sugar and neutralize the acid quickly. Look for chewing gum with the ADA Seal of Acceptance and consider chewing after meals or snacks!

In conclusion

Hopefully, with the above questions answered, you can rest knowing there are ways to enjoy your holiday treats and candies without worry. Excessive sugar is unhealthy, but there are definitely practices and ways to minimize the impact on your teeth. Drinking or rinsing with water immediately afterward will help wash away excess. Waiting on and promoting your saliva production with sugar-free chewing gum can neutralize some of the acid. And finally, brushing 30 to 60 minutes after consuming sugar can help remove the acids and plaque. Additionally, fluoride toothpaste will help strengthen your enamel so you are better protected daily. If you are worried about your or your child’s dental health, please book an appointment today at your Winter Park dental office.

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