The Ivory Dental Group

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How does Invisalign work with my dentist office?

How does Invisalign work with my dentist office?

How does Invisalign work with my dentist office? Do I qualify for Invisalign if it is cosmetic dentistry? Are you considering straightening your teeth? Technology has come a long way from traditional "wire and bracket" braces. Here at The Ivory Dental, we exclusively utilize Invisalign as our trusted clinical and cosmetic dentistry system.

While there has been an explosion in competing services in the last few years, Invisalign – by the company Align Technology- pioneered and continues to innovate orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. Simply put, we trust them because, in our opinion, they're the best overall treatment for our patients.

When our dentist, Dr. Yu, puts together a teeth straightening plan for a patient, it's done with safe, predictable movements in mind. As a result, her treatment will always lean towards a patient's long-term satisfaction (clinically and for cosmetic dentistry). For this reason, the Invisalign system is an excellent match for us as an office because it lets Dr. Yu treat our patients with the precision and convenience we expect.

Do I qualify for Invisalign?

We often hear patients ask this question – and while we understand the question. The one we really answer is, "Is Invisalign right for me?". As with all things, the answer will be "it depends." As expected, the first and primary consideration is the patient's "dentition" (the specific arrangement, spacing, and alignment of your teeth). But here are some other important factors we ask patients to consider:

  • Lifestyle and habits – can you (or the patient) reliably wear the clear aligners for 20-22 hours a day? (at all times except when eating, brushing your teeth, etc.) If adhering to this schedule may be difficult, traditional braces might be a better option as they are with you 24 hours a day.

  • Speed/timeline – is there a specific timing you are looking for? For example, traditional wires and brackets shift teeth quicker than Invisalign.

  • Maintenance – Invisalign and traditional braces require good brushing and flossing routines. With braces, flossing is more difficult due to the metal wire. You won't have that issue with Invisalign. However, you will have an extra step of either brushing the clear aligners or using a cleaning tablet to prevent any buildup on the clear aligners.

Ultimately, whether Invisalign treatment is a good fit for you is a decision for you to make. We can provide you with information on the plan, considerations, timing, and pricing so you can best make an informed decision. If this teeth straightening with Invisalign is something you'd like to consider, we have complimentary consultations* available: You can book appointments here!

*While Invisalign consultations are free of charge, starting the Invisalign treatment itself does require a standard comprehensive dental exam (like you would get with any regular check-up) to ensure you don't have any other underlying conditions which would change the Invisalign plan. This standard exam is typically fully covered by dental insurance.

How do I get started with Invisalign?

The first step to anything good is to make a plan! Here's the process we follow with you to put together your individual Treatment Plan:

Consultation appointment (complimentary):

  1. Standard dental check-up to evaluate your overall dental health (typically done during a regular check-up appointment)

  2. Discussion with Dr. Yu on your primary cosmetic or clinical concerns (i.e., gaps, crowding, etc.)

  3. Intraoral photos of your current smile, upper arch, and lower arch

  4. 3D Scan of your whole mouth (upper arch, lower arch, and your closed bite)

  5. Overview of Invisalign pricing, payment options, and insurance coverage

  6. Building a treatment plan (Dr. Yu puts together a plan for you that includes every step of movement down to the 1/10th of a millimeter, the number of total weeks, and before/after simulation)

  7. Treatment plan presentation (in-office review of your plan, length of time, and payment options) – to help you make an informed decision

  8. Decision time – good for up to 3 months

What are the different types of Invisalign?

Your specific Invisalign treatment is, of course, always built specifically for you. But we provide different treatment types depending on your needs or concerns. Here are 3 basic types we provide at our office and the general case profile that is typically treated.

  • Invisalign Go – patients with generally straight teeth but want minor adjustments for cosmetic purposes and/or patients who have had braces in the past

  • Invisalign Moderate – most patients want straighter teeth and have never had braces or orthodontic treatment.

  • Invisalign Comprehensive – patients who may need treatment to help with bite alignment issues, multi-stage movements, or correcting significant crowding

We can typically profile your case type after the initial (free) consultation.

Please note that these are not intended to reflect all Invisalign treatment types available. In fact, we refer to a few orthodontic and Invisalign specialists for many cases in which we feel patients are either better or more efficiently served by a specialist.

What is the cost of Invisalign?

As you might expect, pricing of such a tailored and customized treatment can become complex (especially if you are comparing from multiple offices and/or even brands).

With all treatment at The Ivory Dental, especially with Invisalign, we always strive to give our patients as much as possible to make an informed decision. And we do understand that pricing transparency helps in making that informed decision. So in the face of this, we provide the pricing below but only as a general guide rather than with explicit guarantees.

With that disclaimer out of the way, typically at our office, patients' cases (including treatment start, all check-up visits, 4 pairs of retainers, and complimentary whitening at the end of treatment) range from $3,900 to $5,300 in price. (Want another source for this price range? Take a look here.) However, many of our patients can use orthodontic benefits from their dental insurance, bringing their total cost between $1,900 to $2800. (Want to see if your insurance will cover Invisalign? See this blog post)

Some patients (typically those who currently have a fixed retainer or have had braces in the past) can be treated as a "single arch" case (an upper arch or bottom arch only) which is significantly less expensive, typically at a $2500 or less before insurance.

Our pricing is always inclusive of your orthodontic treatment from start to finish of the plan with all check-up visits and scans. In addition, we offer a complimentary Starter Comfort Kit on your first day of Invisalign treatment, as well as 4 at-home whitening sessions you can use with your aligners towards the end of your treatment plan.

How to Start the Invisalign Process?

Ready to get started? Have more questions? Please book an appointment with us now!

If you've been to the dentist recently and need an Invisalign consultation – it's free of charge. It's a 20-30 minute appointment that includes photos and a 3D scan of your teeth.

Sometimes, it's better to book a regular check-up with x-rays and cleaning with us, then have the Invisalign consultation directly after the complete dental exam (same appointment). Please book a "Check-up and Cleaning" appointment if these apply to you:

  • Haven't been to any dentist in a year or more

  • Are you considering overall cosmetic dental treatment other than/in coordination with Invisalign (whitening, veneers, re-shaping teeth, repairing chipped teeth, etc.)

  • Are you experiencing dental discomfort (pain, sensitivity, bleeding, etc.)

Want to learn more before you come to see us? Here are some additional topics on Invisalign!

  • Will my insurance pay for my Invisalign?

  • Invisalign Comfort and Care Tips

  • Does Invisalign hurt?

  • Should I whiten my teeth before or after Invisalign?

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